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Workshops & Events

The Topics Covered
Will Include:

  • ancient archetypal meanings of the planets and signs of the zodiac
  • learning how the planets speak to different facets of who we are
  • meanings of the house placements in the chart and how these relate to our lives
  • understanding the elements and modalities in the chart
  • learning how to interpret planetary aspects and cycles
  • exploring transits and how they relate to current life issues as well as developmental cycles
  • how to find the primary themes and patterns in the chart and
  • how they might manifest in the person’s life in physical, emotional and spiritual ways
  • evolutionary astrology — how to see the soul’s purpose and journey through the chart

Reflections on the Wisdom From
the Stars and Planets

Receive a free transits & forecast reading with any
natal chart or solar return reading.

Learn more about Raven Runyan, The Wyld Witch

Are you looking for a reading, energy healing, training or mentoring? I would love to assist you in all of your spiritual needs! Click below to learn more about me!


Ready to book your session?

Book your session with Raven for Divination, Energy Medicine and Ceremonies! Raven offers session in Person at her Center in Rock Hill, SC or over Zoom.

The Wyld Musings Podcast

Subscribe to Raven’s podcast! With episodes dropping every other month it is easy to stay connected!

Learn at the Wyld Academy

Looking to expand your knowledge? Check out Raven’s Offerings at the Wyld Academy!

Raven's Blog

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