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Card Readings & Divination Offerings
Not sure what each reading entails? Read about them below and choose the one that is right for you!

Animal Spirit Helpers Readings
Animal spirit readings use animal spirit helpers and shamanic principles to guide you in life and answer your questions. These readings can also help you understand which animal spirits are offering their support.
These readings are helpful for spiritual and psychic development, shadow work, understanding behavioral patterns, and learning how to change them.
These readings are offered in the formats below. Click on the one you wish to book:
Divine Feminine Personal Growth Readings
These readings tap into the powers of the Divine Feminine to help those looking to expand their personal or spiritual growth and who are active in Shadow Work.
These readings are helpful for spiritual and personal development, shadow work, uncovering points of trauma, shadows, and blockages, and exploring how to move beyond them. These readings have a gentle and self-care approach to the energy.

These readings are offered in the formats below. Click on the one you wish to book:

Archetype Readings
We all have archetypes in our personalities that drive our decision-making and how we deal with everyday life. This reading seeks to understand those archetypes and, in doing so, enter into a positive relationship with them that will help you instead of blocking you.
These readings are excellent for those who wish to understand behavioral patterns, understand their true nature, and enter into a positive relationship with the self. They can also aid in shadow work and personal development.
These readings are offered in the formats below. Click on the one you wish to book:
Elemental Balance Readings
These readings tap into the power of the 5 elements to give you clarity on where you may be out of balance. In this reading, we tap into the 5 elements: air, fire, earth, water, and spirit to give you a complete picture of which elements may be out of balance for you and thus cause blockages or problems.
These readings are excellent for those looking to grow in their spiritual path, release blockages to their everyday life, and find where you may lack balance and how it affects all areas of your life.

These readings are offered in the formats below. Click on the one you wish to book:

Past Life Patterns Readings
We all have patterns that we have carried through multiple lives. Some are healed, and some are not. In these readings, we seek to find those patterns so that you can begin to heal them. Once we know what is from this life and what is from a previous life, we can release what doesn’t serve us. This reading can help us identify burdens we carry from previous lives.
These readings are excellent for those who feel stuck like their lives are on repeat or for increasing personal and spiritual development.
These readings are offered in the formats below. Click on the one you wish to book:
Tarot Card Readings
Tarot cards have been used since the 17th century for guidance and divination. They offer a complete life picture of your current paths and opportunities that our blockages and choices may mask.
These readings offer great details in all areas of life for anyone seeking clarity on their current path and the decisions before them. Tarot readings work well for both mundane and spiritual issues. They can guide anyone looking for a change or to improve their lives.