Our last Mercury Retrograde of the year takes place in Libra and starts on Monday, 09/27, and runs through October 18th. Mercury retrograde in Libra refers to the revision of professional contracts and reunions with old loves. We can use this planetary transit for reconciliation or final emotional closure. If there are conflicts in your…
There are so many different ways to make use of Full Moon Energy. The key is understanding what the moon offers you during this phase and then taking full advantage of it. So let's talk about the Pisces Full Moon tonight and some ideas on the types of work you can do, not just for…
Chamomile is a staple in any Herbalist or Witches' cabinet. It is incredibly versatile, and its benefits have been well documented over the centuries. It has been used since Egyptian times! So let's talk about this little herbal gem!
I also created a Chamomile information page that you can add to your BoS, Grimoire, or Herbal.
For many, this term is used interchangeably - Mabon and the Autumn/Fall Equinox. But are they the same thing? The answer is no, and although they carry similar energies, one of them is more related to the Sun while the other is more related to earth. Understanding both of them is your key to taking…
Join me in this conversation about how to use your intuition every day. It should be a part of our daily lives, to guide us and help us make good decisions. It is all about balancing the brain and intuition. Only then can we be truly making the best decisions for our higher good.
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Join me to discuss how to find your personal power and the differences between personal power and ego. Unfortunately, these two are often mistaken, and they can often keep us from doing the work we need to do to get to our true power.
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What things cause us to feel out of balance, and how can we change that? Join me for an open discussion on how to bring yourself back in balance and prevent yourself from getting out of balance in this crazy world.
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A post shared by The Wyld Witch (@wyld.witch)
Join me to discuss the higher self and how important it can be in your spiritual path. The higher self is our gateway to connecting with all things spirit, including our spirit guides, psychic gifts, ancestors, and even the divine. Building a connection with your higher self is the first step in connecting to universal…