Everyone knows that the Wolf Moon is the first Full Moon in January. But there is rich lore behind it and many other names in other cultures. Let's look at the energy this moon brings and how you can make the most of it!
Have you ever thought about starting your very own meditation practice? If not, this is the time to start! Meditation has health benefits and is a fantastic tool to connect with your spirit guides and your higher self. And it is easier than you may think to get started! If you want to learn more,…
The new year brings possibilities and changes. It is a time of re-birth - we get a do-over for anything that went wrong the last year. So let's take full advantage of it!!
I started this ceremony in 2020 due to my Tamed Wild subscription box (one of the best boxes on the market and worth the cost - you should check it out!). It has become a tradition, and this is the third year I am doing it, so I wanted to share it with you all!…
As we are still in the midst of this awesome Eclipse energy, let's take a minute to talk about road opening! You have probably heard this term and may not be aware of what it means. Let's talk about how we can use Road Opening tools to make 2022 our very best year ever!
Home magick is some of the most crucial spiritual work you can do. Your home is your sanctuary, your own sacred space, and the one place that should bring you joy and happiness. So let's discuss how we can maintain the energy in our home in such a way that it remains all of those…
As we enter Sagittarius season, we are challenged to make changes, explore and go for the things that light up our soul. Whether you are a Sagittarius or not, you can still benefit from its fire and its embrace the day attitude! So let's explore ways you can make the most of this energy!