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New Moon in Virgo 2024

This month is full of opportunities brought about by the start of eclipse season. Change is on the horizon, and as we navigate through these celestial occurrences, let’s strive to maintain our equilibrium to make the most of what lies ahead!

Many of us are accustomed to the idea of a balancing bath ritual, typically involving a tub, herbs, and a luxurious soak to seek balance from the elements. But have you ever considered conducting a similar ritual with just a foot bath? A foot bath can be equally impactful, allowing individuals without a bathtub to partake in the practice as well!

So, what are the advantages of simply soaking your feet? Our feet serve as the most direct connection to Mother Earth. Each step establishes a connection and energy exchange with the earth. This connection facilitates grounding, healing, purification, and more!

New Moon Foot Bath Ceremony

You can do this ceremony in your bathtub or a bucket.  You can substitute the herbs for other ones with the same correspondences.  You can use any elemental Earth or purification blend if you do not have balance oil and incense.

What You Will Need:
  • White or Yellow Candle
  • Balance Incense
  • Balance Oil
  • 2 Tablespoons of Epsom Salts
  • Lavender, representing Elemental Air
  • Peppermint, representing Elemental Fire
  • Mugwort, representing Elemental Earth
  • Roses, representing Elemental Water
The Ceremony
  • Create sacred space in your favorite method. Be sure that you have all of the ceremony components with you. If you are doing this in your bathroom, you can create a small temporary altar. Adding crystals such as Amethyst and Citrine can also be helpful.
  • Light your incense and charge your candle using your oil. When you charge the candle, be sure your intent is clear to balance your energy.
  • Light your candle. Close your eyes and focus on drawing energy from the New Moon into the water.
  • Once you feel that the water is sufficiently charged, begin to soak your feet.
  • Start adding your herbs to the water using the words below or similar words:
  • “I add Salt to purify myself and remove negative energies.” Add the salt.
  • “I add Lavender for Elemental Air to bring clarity, creativity, and inspiration.” Add the Lavender.
  • “I add Peppermint for Elemental Fire to bring me growth, change, transformation, and love.” Add the Peppermint
  • “I add Mugwort for Elemental Earth to bring grounding, introspection, protection, and positive action.” Add the Mugwort.
  • “I add Roses for Elemental Water to bring me an open heart, adaptability, and renewal.” Add the Roses
  • Stay in the foot bath as long as you need to until you feel balanced. You can meditate or listen to your favorite music (try a singing bowl track; I like this one from Jess Yoga!).
  • Once complete, thank the Moon, the plants, and the elements for their help.
  • Release your circle – your ceremony is complete!

Blessed New Moon!