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As we are still in the midst of this awesome Eclipse energy, let's take a minute to talk about road opening!  You have probably heard this term and may not be aware of what it means.  Let's talk about how we can use Road Opening tools to make 2022 our very best year ever!

The M-Word!

The dreaded Mercury Retrograde can actually be a good thing!  Understanding what the energies mean and what they can do is key to learning to navigate it.  Let's talk about that energy and understand how you can minimize disruption and even rope in a little balance! This episode was recorded on September 27th!     View this post on…

Rites of Passage

Join me in an exploration of Rites of Passage.  Why are these ceremonies so essential, and how can we incorporate them into our own lives to bring more happiness, closure, and confidence? From wiccaning to coming of age, from handfasting and hand parting, from Croning and Saging to death - let us explore why we…