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Candle Magick

Candle Magick


By Lady Raven

Candle Magic is probably the simplest type of magic you can perform. It takes a few minutes to prepare and complete a candle spell, and virtually anyone can do it! Here are some simple steps to completing any candle spell. Candle spells can be as straightforward or as elaborate as you want. I tend to prefer more straightforward methods. The key to making a candle spell work is how much energy you put into it and how much you believe in the outcome!

The key ingredient in any candle spell is the same as in any other spell: Intent! Know what you want, visualize it in your mind to raise energy, and then burn the candle and release the power of the spell to do its work. You can always add herbs, parchment, ribbons, and many other things, but you do not NEED any of these things. All you need is a candle, and your intent and your spell can be done!

Important Note About Spell casting:

Never cast a spell to try to “make” someone do something – the spell has a high chance of backfiring on you. Never interfere with another person’s free will!

Some examples (these are by no means all-inclusive – but you get the idea!):

Love: Instead of casting a spell for a specific person to come to you, cast one for you to find new love in your life. Don’t focus on the person; focus on the outcome you want!

Money: Instead of focusing on your boss giving you a big raise, focus on finding a better paying job, or having unexpected money from unknown sources coming into your life, or even new projects coming your way!

Studies: Instead of focusing on your teacher giving you a good grade – focus on you doing well on your test, being prepared, and knowing the answers!

Protection: if a particular person is bothering you and you feel it may cause you harm, first and foremost, contact the authorities – magick is not meant to be used as a replacement for the law or common sense! Second, it is ok to cast a spell to protect yourself from that person; make sure your intent is focused on keeping you safe!

Charging Candles

Here are a few simple steps to charging a candle for spell use:

1) Choose a candle – any candle will do – tapers, votives, pillars, whatever is your preference. You can select a candle of the color that matches your intent, or you can always go with an all-purpose white candle.

Tip: Always keep white candles on hand – they are the most useful for any magic!

2) Take the candle into your hand, close your eyes and visualize what you want the candle to do. It is vital that when you visualize, you picture the event as if it already happened. For example, picture yourself healthy instead of getting better if you want health. If you want love, picture yourself with your new mate, happy and sharing special moments instead of finding them. Visualize your need and what it will look like when it happens. Do this for as long as you wish.

3) Once you have that clear picture in your mind and are filled with that need, you are ready to charge the candle.

4) You can choose to carve the name of the person (if you are doing this for someone else), a planet symbol, a zodiac sign, or any other magical sigil on your candle that will symbolize the spell you are about to cast and what you want it to do. But, again, this is optional – you don’t have to carve anything if you don’t want to.

5) To dress the candle: with the need clearly pictured in your mind, and filling your being, begin to “dress” or anoint the candle with oil matching your intent. In a pinch, you can use olive oil from your kitchen. The important thing is while doing this, you transfer all of that energy, that intent that you just visualized, onto your candle as you dress it. You can picture the energy as bright light, fire, haze, even smoke – whatever works for you. Visualize and feel the energy entering the candle. The oil acts as a medium for your intent to transfer from you into the candle.

6) Your candle is charged!

Casting a simple Candle spell

You can cast a simple candle spell by using the following:

  • Charged Candle (See above)
  • Candleholder
  • Herbs (optional)
  • Gemstones (optional)

1) Place your charged candle in the center of your altar (or table or dresser). You can surround your candle with herbs that match your intent or gemstones that also match your need. Or you don’t have to add anything and use just the candle.

Tip: What I have done in the past is place the candle in the center of a pentacle tile and place herbs or stones at each point. You can draw your pentacle on paper if you don’t have a tile.

2) Close your eyes and visualize what you want the spell to do. Take as much time as you need to do this.

3) Light your candle once you have a strong image. Then, you can say an incantation out loud or not; it’s up to you. You can choose a chant, write your own words or even borrow words from another spell – the key is for you to say whatever you FEEL is right and what you FEEL will work for YOU!

4) As you see the candle flame, imagine the energies you raised moving out into the universe to accomplish what you asked.

5) You can do this for as long as you wish – the candle needs to burn down to be complete. Make sure you have the candle in a safe place where there is no fire risk (I generally have a sturdy candle holder and place it away from fans or AC vents.

6) Leave the room and let the energies you release do their work.

You can also choose to cast the same spell for 3 days – I find it helpful to burn 1/3 of the candle each day as the spell is cast when I use a taper. If you choose to do this, ensure you leave the space where the candle stays undisturbed for the entire 3 days.

Tip: NEVER leave a candle burning unattended!

Candle Magick