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April Living By the Moon

The Pink Moon

Living by the Moon

What is Living by the Moon?

Living by the moon is a system that allows us to work with all 8 moon phases every month. The moon will enable us to begin fresh every new moon and make something new happen in our lives, and in this course, we take full advantage of it!

What happens during an LBTM meeting?

During our monthly meeting, we will discuss the energies of the upcoming moon cycle. We will review what happened in the previous moon cycle and set our intentions for the new cycle. We will discuss lessons we learned, how we grew, and how we plan to take better care of ourselves and better focus on our goals. Each month, we meet during the 3rd Quarter Moon to discuss the energies of the next cycle. This is an excellent place for support and to share experiences. We hope you will join us!

How do you sign up?

There are 2 ways to sign up for this event.
  1. You can sign up for the Living by the Moon course ONLY for $12/month.
  2. You can sign up for the Wyld Community and get all of the benefits of the community PLUS the LBTM program for only $17/month.
Choose the best option for you below: Sign up for LBTM ONLY for $12/month. Sign up for the Wyld Community for $17/Month.