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TWII: The Mundane Plan

Today I want to discuss the importance of a Mundane Plan when working with spell casting. This is something that I repeatedly see, where many novice witches will cast a spell and then do nothing else other than wait for that spell to work. Most of the time, it doesn't. They may often beat themselves…

TWII: The Spring Equinox

The Spring Equinox has so many different meanings! This is truly a day of power, as it also signifies the start of the Astrological New Year, The Ostara Sabbat, and the Aries season! With so much going on, you may not be sure what you want to focus on. Let's discuss different things you can…

TWII: Ancestral Veneration

Ancestral work during this time of year is pervasive in many different cultures.  Society has vilified death and stopped celebrating it as a part of life, so we have become disconnected from our ancestors. Ancestral Veneration practice brings you closer to your ancestors, just as it should be! Let’s talk about starting your own practice…