Sometimes known as Midsummer, Summer Solstice, Festival Solstice, Midsommar (not the movie), the longest day of the year, the shortest night of the year, the feast of St. John the Baptist, and many other names in many different cultures! But what is it? And how can you translate this energy into something you can use to improve your life? Rituals and ceremonies are important, but what is more important is understanding how to connect to and use these energies! Let's break it down!
What is a Solstice?
Scientifically, a Solstice happens when one of the earth's poles is at Maximum tilt towards the sun. This happens twice a year (one for each pole - for each hemisphere). When one pole does its maximum tilt toward the sun, that means that the other pole is doing its maximum tilt away from the sun. Thus, one happens in the Summer (closest to the Sun) and one in winter (away from the Sun). These events generally occur around the same time every year - Summer Solstice for the northern hemisphere takes place in June (anytime between the 19th and 22nd), and the winter solstice takes place in December (around the exact dates - between the 19th and 22nd).
Although the summer solstice is the longest day of the year for that hemisphere, the dates of the earliest sunrise and latest sunset vary by a few days. This is because the Earth orbits the Sun in an ellipse, and its orbital speed varies slightly during the year (this is why we have a Solstice window).
Since prehistory, the summer solstice has been seen as a significant time of year in many cultures and marked by festivals and rituals. Traditionally, in many temperate regions (mainly Europe), the summer solstice is seen as the middle of summer and referred to as "midsummer." However, in some countries and calendars, it is seen as the beginning of summer.
Spiritual Significance
In Spiritual practices, the days that mark milestones in the earth's movement around the sun tend to have special significance. The solstices, in particular, represent extremes. They represent the two polarities of the Sun's power - one life-giving, which brings light, power, and growth, and the other that brings shadow, rest, and hibernation. When we celebrate the Summer Solstice, we are celebrating the full control of the Sun. For this reason, most summer solstice celebrations involve fire of some kind.
For me personally, this festival brings raw power of elemental fire. This is a time of change and transformation. Of not only knowing what you are capable of, but reaching for it and doing it. This is the time to dive into all of those projects you were putting off all year long. The Sun has no time for procrastination, no excuses, or better things to do. All it can do is do what it is meant to do, which is shine. It doesn't care who is watching, who likes summer and who doesn't, none of that matters. The Sun doesn't need anyone. We need it - and it knows it!
I think this time of the year is the one time it is ok to be you. To be selfish and to not care what anyone else needs or wants. This is a time for you to decide - what makes YOU shine? What makes YOU feel good? That's all that matters now - and it is not selfish to reach for it!
A Simple Summer Solstice Ritual
I believe that "reclaiming your power" is the theme of this celebration. What parts of you are you suppressing or forgetting because you are afraid of what others will say or think? This is a time of shedding and getting back to what is truly yours! This is a simple ceremony - all you need is paper, a fire (a cauldron fire will do), and a Bay Leaf.
The Fire represents change and transformation and it is also what connects you to the power of the Sun (the central theme of this Sabbat). The paper represents personal transformation and shedding As it burns so do your obstacles, your self-doubts and all of the things that stand in the way of you revealing your own truth. Finally Bay is a fantastic herb, ruled by both Fire and Sun, it brings the self-confidence and ever dare I say the "authority" to be what you want to be regardless of what others say.
A Cauldron fire can be created with Epsom salts and alcohol. This is preferably done in a actual fire though. Write down the the changes you want to make in the parchment. What do you want to get rid of? boil it down to 3 words and write them down in your parchment. Now think of what you want to become? Who or what are you trying to embrace that represents your true self? Write that on the Bay Leaf. Look to the fire for inspiration. Fire is transformative - it has the power not only to burn away that which you don't want or need, but through that process to reveal the true nature of what lies beneath.
First burn that which you don't want or need. It's important to watch that parchment burn all the way down. Then toss the bay leaf into the fire change that to what you want to become! Remember - that action must follow ceremony - it's not enough to create a ceremony - but this festival is about DOING! Start doin the things to get you to where you want to go!
Blessed Solstice!
What is the Waning Moon?
Waning is the opposite, or decreasing after a full moon, and is always illuminated on the left. There is a waning Gibbous moon, which means more than half of the moon is illuminated. And a waning Crescent Moon, when less than half of it is illuminated. Waning brings an energy that the Full or New Moon doesn't have - and that is the energy of movement. During the New and Full moon phases, there is no movement. During this time the moon's gift to us is light - either fully illuminated (Full) or completely obscured (New). Neither one of those requires movement - quite the contrary - these are times when all other energies stand still and the energy or light or darkness is in full force. During these phases the moon is also in complete conjunction with the Sun and the Earth, which also makes everything look perfectly aligned and still. The energy of movement is actually even more complex than you may realize. The moon appears to be moving from our point of view (as we appear to be standing still), however the fact is that we are also moving. So when the moon rotates around us, it also rotates around the sun - since we rotate around the sun. Other planets also rotate around the sun during that time - just imagine the number of interactions! A waning crescent moon is up in the east before sunrise. It’s waning toward new moon, when the moon will be between the Earth and Sun. Each morning, the moon shows us less and less of its lighted side. It rises closer to the sunrise, heading for new moon. Many people miss the waning crescent moon because it’s a morning moon, visible before sunrise.What Energy can you use during a Waning Moon?
The waning moon brings the energy of decrease. What are the things you want to remove from your life? Do you want to quit smoking? Lose weight? Cut some cords with unhealthy exe's? All of those things are gifts of the Waning moon. You also get 2 whole weeks of waning energy to work with - which means during that time the moon will pass through many other astrological signs and planets. When you start adding all of that together, you can create some magick that can really pack a punch! During these 2 weeks you have the Waning Gibbous (the first week after the Full Moon) and the Waning Crescent (the week before the New Moon). In my work these 2 phases bring 2 different levels of movement energy. The first week (gibbous) packs the biggest punch so I tend to use that energy for external material things. Getting rid of debt, banishing disease, removing negative entities or energies from places - I have gotten the biggest bang for my energetic buck during those the Waning Gibbous moon. The Waning Crescent Moon is gentler, it brings the energy of decrease but in a way that is incredibly useful for personal work. Working with personal trauma, removing bad habits, removing self-doubt - all personal work tends to flow extremely well during the Waning Crescent phase.May 2020 Waning Moon - What's up with that?
- May 8th -9th - Gibbous Waning Moon in Sagittarius - Remove obstacles to travel plans, banish fears that may keep you from taking chances.
- May 10th-11th - Gibbous Waning Moon in Capricorn - Remove obstacles at work, obstacles to finding a new job or home, Good time to work on budgeting and remove unnecessary spending.
- May 12th - 13th - Gibbous Waning Moon in Aquarius - Remove mental blocks that keep you feeling stuck in life, remove self-destructive behaviors.
- May 14th-16th - Crescent Waning Moon in Pisces - Self care - work on not giving away energy you need for yourself, prioritize, and remove people or tasks that are not deserving of your energetic generosity.
- May 17th - 18th - Crescent Waning Moon in Aries - Trauma work, what do you need to release or forgive so that you can move forward?
- May 19th - 21st - Crescent Waning Moon in Taurus - Physical self-care - take care of your body and mind, remove distractions, take a relaxing bath, grounding meditation, cook your favorite meal.
In this very short video I go over some ides on how to use our loose incense!
[su_youtube url="" title="Using Loose Incense"]